Puritan ULTIMATE Mains Cable


This cable takes our correctly placed obsession with vibration distortion, as collected by, and ruthlessly transmitted to the very heart of every system component by mains cords, to its ultimate conclusion.

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The Ultimate is an absolute sonic triumph which totally redefines the contribution that power cables can make to ultimate fidelity.

A complex of soft fabric layers protect conductors avoiding vibration pick up and the whole assembly has such limpness that vibration distortion, a massive enemy of ultimate fidelity, as is normally transmitted directly to the circuit board heart of every element of your system though power cabling, is completely eliminated.

The individual power conductors on these cables feature massive 41 Amps rang 12 AWG extreme high purity copper cores insulated with specially formulated, ultra so silicone dielectric. Over this three different highly flexible nanotechnology membranes are sequentially applied:

  • The first contains complex assemblies of carbon atoms formed into a variety of elaborate molecular formats, these structures intercept incoming airborne interference frequencies confusing, absorbing and neutralizing them, they further seek out unwanted frequencies being transmitted through the power conductors themselves absorbing and neutralizing these also .
  • The second layer is a magnetic barrier the inclusion of which enables a significantly more comprehensive and effective overall barrier to electromagnetic interference waves than the usual copper and mylar screens of other exoc cords. This magnetic barrier when combined with the third layer our carbon resistive absorptive screen, creates an EMI barrier that is totally unsurpassed in its comprehensive efficacy.
  • The ground conductor is treated along its entire length with a highly flexible and complex polycrystalline metals layer that draws out and neutralizes interference frequencies present on the ground line. The sum of all of these ground breaking design and materials features is a power cable absolutely like no other in this world and one that will elevate your systems performance to enrely new heights.

Sonically the thickness of the silicone covering the conductors and the thickness of the silicone sheath proved critical as did the degree of twist applied to the conductors over their length and these values were established over extensive listening tests.

You will note the emphasis given to the need to have a very flexible, indeed floppy cable. Vibration distortion introduced by mains connections is a massively underestimated phenomena; mains cables exist in the room that music is playing – therefore they are being rattled and shaken by the music beats. Common amongst cable builders is to use heavy gauge cable with stiff metal sheathing. The stiffer the cable the more vibration it picks up and the more efficiently it transmits, without loss, every shudder to its ends. And at each end of the cable there is a plug pin and connector clip gripping that pin to make the contact. Introduce vibration and that contact is rubbing two metal surfaces along with the music, creating micro disturbances in the connection and hence in the electron flow.

This is something that we know has to be avoided and that is exactly what we achieve with the flexible stranded formulation of our conductors, very soft insulation layers, unique proprietary highly flexible proprietary shielding and loose, soft fabric covering to provide a cable that is cushioned against picking up vibrations in the first instance and then designed to dampen and absorb those that do get through.

In contrast to the stiff metal braiding and/or metalized mylar wrappings normally used, we shield our cables with our own very unique ultra flexible carbon-polymer nanotechnology barrier which provides a resistive shield capable not only of blocking RFI but absorbing a good amount of it in resistive paths before it reaches the drain connection at ground.

Of vital importance is the quality of the pins, terminals and connector grips at each end of the cable and here we have paid every attention; in particular to the gauge, form and materials quality of the phosphor bronze grips for the contacts which is extremely paramount.

After very much evaluation we steered away from exotic platings for our plugs and connectors: Brass, Phosphor Bronze and Nickel as found on the vast majority of plug pins and contact clips are all galvanically in a very similar voltage band whereas Gold, Silver, Platinum and Rhodium occupy a band 0.35V away.

Mating galvanically dissimilar plug pins and contact clips is a recipe for degraded performance due to the introduction of galvanically induced voltages (further exacerbated by vibration). As our mains plugs are almost invariably going to be introduced to wall sockets with phosphor bronze contact grips and equipment inputs with nickel plated brass input receptacles, we utilise materials for our plugs and connectors to be galvanically neutral in actual user situations. Our extensive listening tests proved this logic to be sonically correct.

We believe, and our ears agree, that by following the real science and technical challenges for this item we have succeeded in creating a phenomenal audiophile product providing truly outstanding performance at a very realistic price.

For our Ultimate cable project we formulated a highly flexible, nanotechnology magnetic barrier, a totally unique development . No other cable looks to deals with the magnetic aspects of EMI. The clue to the importance of which is in the name “Electro Magnetic Interference”.

The complex construction of our supremely performing Ultimate cable makes them a costly but very worthwhile investment. But in order to service a wider spectrum of audiophiles we decided to make the exciting development of our Mag Shield available in a more affordably priced cable by adding a MagShield layer to the Carbon Resistive layer on the Classic cable to create the Classic Plus the Classic Plus improves on the fantastic definition and articulation provided by the Classic inching it further towards the utterly sublime performance of the Ultimate.

Additional information


1m, 1.5m, 2m, 3m, 4m

Plug Type

Australian, Nema (USA), Schuko, UK, Swiss, Other

Connector Type

C7, C13, C19

Conductor Power Rating


Outer Covering

Soft Fabric To Avoid Vibration Pick Up (Available in Copper, Black or White)


Puritan Laboratories

Why Purify?

Washing machines, fridges, computers, plug in power supplies, low energy lighting, dimmer switches, heating pumps, thermostats, solar power installations, the list of culprits directly injecting rubbish into our mains supply is endless. Effectively anything connected to the mains in your house and all of your neighbours houses contributes to the problem. And that is before you consider more distant heavy industrial machinery, and it doesn’t stop there….. In the air there’s mobile phone, radio and TV transmissions, WiFi, Bluetooth, emergency services transmissions (the list is never ending) all totally saturating the atmosphere. Your household wiring and equipment cables acting as antennas, absorb and pile these very significant disturbances on top of the considerable interference already in them.

The flood of fizz, hash, spikes, snap crackle and pop delivering itself into your sensitive dacs, preamps, amplifiers and video displays swamp and confuse everything they are trying to do…… and it gets worse! The DC voltages, normally present in your mains supply, smother and suffocate the transformers in your equipment. Transformers need to “breath” freely and fully, in and out, following the AC mains frequency. The presence of DC leaves them noisily gasping for breath and unable to deliver their full power and punch.

When this occurs, the clarity, dynamics and emotion of the performance that you are trying to recreate is smothered under a barrage of interference pollution and waveform distortion. Your audio and visual equipment groans, buzzes and rattles, …. sound is constricted, muddled, harsh, two dimensional and unrealistic.

With the ‘Puritan Treatment’ dynamics and definition take an almost unbelievable stride forward, individual instruments gain air between them, their sound and timbre become convincing of the real thing, the sound-stage moves out of your speakers and into the room with gains in three dimensionality and with clarity definition and space between the instruments for them to inter-relate rather than muddle each other. Your listening will become a far more engaging and pleasurable experience.

Problems with mains and airborne disturbances also greatly compromise visual display performance causing definition to be dulled and the dynamics squashed. With the ‘Puritan Treatment’ the visual experience elevates to a higher level of noise free richness, blacker blacks, greater clarity, increased vibrancy and realism.

Our aim throughout is to produce the ultimate mains purifier solutions and to present these to the consumer with a level of meticulous build quality that means that an investment in a Puritan product is an investment that will be enjoyed for decades to come.

Look inside any of our products and you will see they are crammed with engineering.

We use multiple filter elements, 39 in the PSM136, each carefully and precisely tuned to inter-relate with each other to produce an increasing, cumulative cleansing effect with the lowest impedance high current paths to preserve maximum surge demand and dynamic agility.

By maintaining the power of equal resistance paths to each outlet and with every single type of mains degradation mode comprehensively dealt with, right down to the provision of a precision cleansed, star reference grounding structure, all Puritan design aspects come together to enable your system to perform to its absolute peak ability.

Mains purifiers require a means of connecting from the wall to the purifier and from the purifier to your equipment. To preserve the ultimate quality of mains supply we have developed our unique ‘Proprietary Dissipative Technology Mains Cables’. These employ a very substantial 25 amp rating, extremely high purity plated copper conductors enclosed in a superior dielectric silicone insulation which in turn is encased with a mechanically damping silicone sheath to provide a vibrationally “dead” super silent conduit. We then massively enhance this already terrific cable with a very special technology:

With normal (unshielded) mains cables, airborne interferences enter the conductors directly, polluting your equipment power paths, disrupting signal processing and delivery. With ordinary shielded cables airborne interferences are gathered and dumped into your system’s earth and through this route disrupt your processing and signal paths – a lose – lose situation! We solved this dilemma by developing our unique Proprietary Dissipative Technology shielding system. With our unique dissipative shielding the interferences bombarding the cables are absorbed into the dissipative shield, burned up and dissipated as heat – avoiding interference either reaching the conductors or polluting the system earth.

A thoroughly thought through and researched, highly advanced mains cable solution.

Other Puritan products to improve audio and visual experience by the elimination of mains disturbance problems include plug in silencers to place in sockets around the house to prevent re-radiation of disturbances, quietening the overall EMI/RFI smog and high specification speaker cables protected with our dissipative technology to prevent radiated disturbances attacking signal integrity at the last stage.

Choose the Puritan Treatment:
  • Liberate your sound stage into the room with greater breadth, depth and 3D realism
  • Regain the timing and emotion of the music with clear air between individual instruments
  • Release your system’s full dynamic range, it will punch harder and yet reveal more with quiet subtleties and tonal nuances unveiled
  • Clarity and definition improve with the sound and timbre of instruments becoming tangible and real
  • Listening becomes far more engaging and addictive
If you have a query, please complete the contact form on this page. Alternatively, please give us a call or email us: Puritan Audio Laboratories Tel: +44-1491-680444 Email: sales@puritanaudiolabs.com